Is Yugen Kombucha craft brewed?

Yes, it is! The base of an excellent kombucha is defined by the use of premium ingredients and a superb fermentation and brewing process. All of our fermentation vessels and lager tanks are made of the highest quality stainless steel. And thanks to our years of Research & Development and collaborations with the University of …

What is kombucha?

Kombucha is an ancient fermented tea drink from the Far East, loaded with living cultures, healthy acids and antioxidants. Kombucha is made with water, tea, sugar and a scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). The scoby eats the sugar in the sweet tea and turns it into tasty and lightly sparkling Kombucha. After that, …

Yugen Kombucha for dummies

Kombucha may have been around for centuries, the drink is still wrapped in mystery for many first timers. Because we love to share our knowledge, we decided to put together this Yugen Kombuha introduction course. What’s the secret behind this healthy tea and what are the main benefits of kombucha? Here we go! What is …

The fermentation process of Yugen Kombucha

At Yugen, we are on a mission to create the most inspiring healthy alternatives to regular soda’s. Thanks to our proprietary fermentation (backed by centuries of Belgian brewing expertise), the use of premium organic ingredients and a state-of-the-art brewing facility, we are able to deliver a world-class product. Learn more about the different steps in …

Why kombucha’s becoming more popular

Kombucha, or the fermented tea drink, is the fastest growing category in the functional beverages industry. Long described as the ultimate health elixir, kombucha fits right into the current trend towards a conscious consumption of healthy foods. Discover here why kombucha is becoming more popular. Tea of mystery Kombucha tea is a traditional non-alcoholic fermented …

What is kombucha?

It’s that funny looking drink which has been around for centuries, passed on from generation to generation, made in small batches at home by family and friends. Today kombucha is the fastest growing category of natural functional drinks. But what is kombucha really? The basics “Kombucha” may be a difficult name, the drink itself is …

Une Histoire Familiale Centenaire: Les Secrets de Kruiden Claus

Nous adorons les herbes, d’autant plus qu’elles constituent un élément important de nos kombuchas. En approfondissant l’histoire de l’utilisation des herbes et de leurs effets bénéfiques sur la santé, nous sommes tombés sur Lode Claus, propriétaire de l’entreprise centenaire “Kruiden Claus”. Comme nous partagions les mêmes intérêts, nous avons rapidement oublié le temps et avons …

Qu’est que le système immunitaire et comment puis-je le renforcer?

Actuellement, on parle beaucoup de “renforcer son système immunitaire”. Mais comment le faire, et surtout: en quoi les tâches principales du garde de corps personnel contre les maladies consistent-elles? Nous vous présentons dix faits étonnants sur ce monde fascinant d’envahisseurs extraterrestres, de globules blancs et de guerres microscopiques qui vont vous étonner et, espérons-le, guérir …

Yugen opte résolument pour du kombucha non pasteurisé

Question actuellement primordiale dans le monde commercial du kombucha. Plusieurs marques optent pour la pasteurisation de la boisson fonctionnelle, alors que Yugen Kombucha préfère rien d’autre qu’un alternatif non pasteurisé. Aussi serait-il nécessaire de comparer les avantages et les inconvénients et de fournir quelques conseils pour les distinguer l’un de l’autre. Découvrez pourquoi nos kombuchas …