What are the key health benefits of kombucha?

Many people drink kombucha for its naturally occurring living microorganisms, organic acids and antioxidants, which are thought to support balanced health and energy by strengthening immunity, cleansing and strengthening organs, and correcting acidic pH levels. On top of that Yugen Kombucha contains 4 powerful herbs and 100% pure juice which add essential vitamins, minerals and …

I’m following a special diet. Can I drink Yugen Kombucha?

Yugen kombuchas are gluten-free, halal and vegan. Moreover, they are adapted for people following a paleo and keto diet, contain barely any calories and are low in sugar. And did we mention that all the ingredients we use are organic, sustainable and unprocessed? Are you pregnant, following an alcohol-free diet or suffering from the Irritable …

Is kombucha ok for people with an irritable bowel (IBS)?

In general, kombucha is perceived as a probiotic beverage, supporting a healthy gut. The exact reason why people experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is hard to pinpoint. Every microbiome is different. What works for some might not work for others. Kombucha contains no gluten, which is one of the main causes of IBS, but does …

Is kombucha ok for people who are sensitive to acids?

Despite its physical properties of being a weak acid (~pH 3), kombucha has been shown to alkalize the body (much like lemons, which are also acidic). Our blood is slightly alkaline, around pH 7.4 (pH 7 being neutral). The pH of gastric acid is 1,5 to 3,5 in the human stomach. The acids in kombucha …

Is it ok for pregnant women to drink Yugen Kombucha?

Unfortunately, no solid answer has been decided on this topic. Here are the main points on kombucha and pregnancy: Yugen Kombucha contains trace amounts of alcohol (0,3%). Most of the alcohol in kombucha is metabolized into acids, but some remnants are left in the finished product. The caffeine from the original tea steeping is not …

What’s the difference between Yugen and other brands?

Yugen kombucha is committed to give our customers the best kombucha experience there is on the market. Thanks to our superior fermentation process, the use of premium organic ingredients, striking branding & design, and market scalability through a state-of-the-art brewing facility, we are able to deliver a top notch product for you to enjoy day …